Increasing MedicoLegal Awareness

11 Apr, 2022 08:39 PM

Medical practice is a noble service that healthcareprofessionals (HCPs) aspire to provide efficiently, correctly andprofessionally. However, HCPs face many challenges, and onethat concerns every HCP is litigation: the risk of being sued.
You've worked hard to build your clinical practice. To maintain a healthy practice and avert future litigation, buildingmedicolegal awareness for yourself and your team is critical.
The Indian Medico-Legal & Ethics Association (IMLEA) togetherwith Medical Learning Hub (MLH) has developed onlinetraining to increase awareness in this vital area. You too canbe part of these online trainings by registering here:
There is much for HCPs to learn in the practical subjects of medical law and ethics -- more than can be covered ina single session. To address this need and allow HCPsfrom different specialties and all parts of the countryaccess to medicolegal training, IMLEA and MLH havecome together to create a set of online courses thatoffer both basic and advanced learning opportunities.
These self-paced courses, starting April 2022, a redesigned by expert IMLEA faculty and recorded, hostedand marketed by the MLH team. We hope you will joinso that you and your team can improve your practiceand avoid litigation.
Increasing Reach
There is much for HCPs to learn in the practical subjectsof medical law and ethics -- more than can be covered ina single session. To address this need and allow HCPsfrom different specialties and all parts of the countryaccess to medicolegal training, IMLEA and MLH havecome together to create a set of online courses thatoffer both basic and advanced learning opportunities.
These self-paced courses, starting April 2022, aredesigned by expert IMLEA faculty and recorded, hostedand marketed by the MLH team. We hope you will joinso that you and your team can improve your practiceand avoid litigation.
About MLH
Medical Learning Hub (MLH) is a versatile software platform that allowshealthcare professionals to train and interact with leading healthcare expertsworldwide. MLH lets HCPs access all types of CME and professional training,from self-paced online learning to live webinars/ video classes, as well as in-person training opportunities and fellowships. With a focus on providing the highest quality content, MLH is democratizingmedical training.
Join MLH to keep up with the latest innovations and clinicalupdates in your field and exchange with your medical peers. Log in toexperience your MLH journey:
By Dr. Ridima Kamal - Tech Care for All (TC4A) | Feb 2022

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