Internal Medicine or General Medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of internal diseases.Internal medicine is the basis on which all the other medical super specialties are built. The department of general medicine/internal medicine is usually the first point of contact for any patient who seeks a specialist opinion. This department includes the analysis of various problems and then if required refers to the concerned super specialist whose highly specialized skills are used for the patients’ benefit.
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Medical Learning Hub- MLH & Indian medico-legal & ethics association (IMLEA) welcome you to the Installation ceremony of Uttarakhand State branch of lndian Medicolegal and Ethics Association (...
In the past year, there have been a number of very significant clinical changes that affect the way we diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports injuries incurred by elite athletes, weekend warriors, a...
IMA Rajasthan welcomes you to a live webinar on "Role of probiotics in health and disease" Dr. Thareja will introduce the panelists. Dr. Mahesh Sharma will be the speaker for the session wil...
Office Practice of Primary Care Medicine provides comprehensive reviews of the most important recent advances impacting primary care medicine and guidance to assimilate these changes into practice for...