IMA Maharashtra branch is also called as IMA MS, it has several branches in Maharashtra state. The main objective of IMA MS is to promote and advance the medical and allied sciences in all their branches and to promote the improvement of public health and medical education in the state of Maharashtra. IMA MS wishes to maintain the honor and dignity and to upkeep the interests of the Medical profession and to promote co-operation amongst the members thereof, and to work to bring uniformity in Basic Medical Education. Medical Research, Medical Services, Registration and to achieve a sense of Brotherhood among all members of the profession who are registered to practice Modern Scientific Medicine (Allopathy). The state branch also wants to work for updating Members with the latest advancement in the field of Medical and allied subjects.
In this course you will learn about the recommendations for PPE in HCP and its uses in different areas in hospital
In this course you will learn about the Guidelines for Handling, Treatment and Disposal of Waste Generated during Treatment/Diagnosis/Quarantine of COVID-19 Patients
In this course you will learn about the management of COVID-19 patients, ICU and ventilator strategy, and about the risk assessment in COVID-19 patient
In this course you will learn about the epidemiology and diagnosis of COVID-19
In this course you will learn about SOP on specimen collection, guidelines for screening the patient.
In this course you will learn about the preparation of isolation wards, quarantine facility for COVID-19 patients, disinfection of quarantine facility
This course is a comprehensive set of learning material for the healthcare professional. The following chapters and units will be covered that provide in-depth understanding to enable frontline doctor...
Healthcare practitioners worldwide are dealing at the front line with an accelerating global threat from the novel Coronavirus strain. The MLH platform powered by TC4A bring to Doctors and Nurses...