Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of cancer. The field of oncology has three major areas: medical, surgical, and radiation.
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Module 1: Introduction & welcome note: Dr Shubhi Kulshrestha from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the speaker and all the participants. She then introduced Dr. Manoj Kela, Prof & HOD Gen. Surger...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants, speaker Dr Manasi Shah. All the general instructions and structure was explained to all participants. First p...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants, speaker Dr Bhavna Anand and the moderator Dr Ruchika Kalra. All the general instructions and structure was explained to all...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all participants and the speaker Dr Abhishek Dudhatra. She introduced Dr. Abhishek Dudhatra. All the general instructions were expl...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the panelists and introduced Dr. Meghal Sanghavi surgeon for Modified Radical Mastectomy, Anesthesiologist Dr Ajit Pillai and moderator Dr Rajeev...
Module 1: Welcome and Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the panelists and introduced Dr. Hemang Bakshi surgeon for the day and moderators Dr Vipul Tilva and Dr Suresh Thakkar...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants, moderator Dr Manoj Kela, and panelist Dr Virendra Bhandari, Dr Mohan Gadodia, Dr Mayank Pancholi and Dr Santosh Agrawal, explai...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants, moderator Dr Benson Chuma, Managing Director, Tech Care for All, Africa and panelist Dr Vipin Sharma, Dr Anil Kamath and Dr Kin...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants, moderator Pam Bolton, SVP, Global Health, Tech Care for All and panelist Dr Harish NL, Dr Manasi Shah and Dr Vinay Ural, explai...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants and the speakers and Panelists Dr Manjusha Shah. Dr Nikhil Parwate, Dr Alka Kuthe, Dr Vaibhav Meru, Dr Mandar Nadkarni, Dr Milin...