Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of cancer. The field of oncology has three major areas: medical, surgical, and radiation.
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Module 1: Introduction and Pre-Polls:Dr. Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants, speakers Dr. Meenu Walia, Dr. Saurabh Mishra; panelists Dr. Piyush Gupta and Mr. AK Singh. The...
Module 1: Introduction & welcome note: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants and started the session by raising the pre poll and discussed the structure of the ev...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants and the speakers Dr Roshan and Dr Sanjeev. The First poll was raised. Module 2: Recent advances in diagnostic and...
To increase the awareness among the students towards the fast-growing field, of haematology we are planning to conduct a National MBBS Hematology Quiz. Dr M Joseph John, MD, D...
Module 1: Introduction and Welcome Note: Ms Asha from CMC, Ludhiana welcomed all the delegates, participants, speakers and panelist for the conference Haematology unplugged: Basics and Beyond Module...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Mayuri from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the particiapnts, speaakers and dignitaries from Delhi Society of Hematology. Module 2: Welcome Note: Dr JM Khunger, Preside...
Module 1: Introduction and welcome note: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants and introduced the speakers Dr Chepsy and Dr Jayastu explaining all the general instructions...
Module 1: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all the participants. She introduced the speakers Dr Revathi Raj, Dr Ponni Sivaprakasam and Dr Soundaram explaining the general instructions. The...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed the participants, moderatordr Abhishek Dudhatra and panelist Dr Unnikrishnan P, Dr Suneesh S and Dr Aditya Murali, explaining the g...
Module 1: Introduction: Dr Shubhi from Medical Learning Hub welcomed all participants and the speakers. She introduced the speakers. All the general instructions were explained and the first poll was...